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What is copyright? What are the benefits and purposes of registering copyright?

Release Date:2024-07-16 11:47:23    come from:yimaiip.com

What is copyright? What are the benefits and purposes of registering copyright?

What is copyright
Copyright, also known as copyright, symbol: ©。 Refers to the rights enjoyed by the author or other persons (including legal persons) in accordance with the law for a certain work.
According to regulations, the author enjoys the following rights:
(1) Publish works under one's real name, pseudonym, or in an anonymous manner;
(2) Protecting the integrity of the work;
(3) Revise published works;
(4) Declare the withdrawal of published works due to changes in viewpoints or other legitimate reasons, but compensate the publishing unit for losses appropriately;
(5) Using the work through legal means for publication, reproduction, broadcasting, performance, exhibition, filming, translation or adaptation;
(6) Obtaining economic rewards for others' use of the work. The above-mentioned rights have been infringed, and the author or other copyright owner has the right to demand the cessation of infringement and compensation for losses.
Registering copyright has the following benefits:
Firstly, protection. It can better protect one's own work in the event of copyright disputes. Copyright registration has strong credibility, can determine the copyright ownership of works, resolve potential disputes, and is an important proof for resolving copyright disputes and infringement. It can be used to file a lawsuit with the people's court based on the registration certificate and request judicial protection.
Secondly, promotion: Successful copyright registration is an official certification and an honor. Through regular announcements from the registration agency, one can promote their products to the society.
Thirdly, value-added: The copyright registration certificate can also serve as a legal proof for licensing and transferring copyright. When conducting copyright trade, the copyright registration certificate can serve as proof of rights, which is beneficial for the smooth completion of the transaction. At the same time, certification from national authoritative departments will double the value of your work.
Fourth, promotion of job titles: The copyright registration certificate is an objective reflection of your level, and the recognition of your abilities by national authoritative departments will make you more confident when applying for jobs. When promoting professional titles, the copyright registration certificate can be applied as a bonus item.
Article 55 of the Copyright Law: Copyright disputes may be mediated, or arbitration may be applied to an arbitration institution based on a written arbitration agreement reached by the parties or the arbitration clause in the copyright contract.
If the parties do not have a written arbitration agreement or an arbitration clause in the copyright contract, they may directly file a lawsuit with the people's court.

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