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What is a patent? What are the benefits and uses of registering a patent?

Release Date:2024-07-15 18:10:56    come from:yimaiip.com

What is a patent? What are the benefits and uses of registering a patent?

What is a patent
In modern times, patents are generally issued by government agencies or regional organizations representing several countries based on applications. This type of document records the content of the invention and creation, and creates a legal state within a certain period of time, that is, the patented invention and creation can only be implemented by others with the permission of the patentee in general.
Patents in China are divided into three types: invention patents, utility model patents, and design patents.
What are the benefits of applying for a patent
1. Patents, as an intangible asset, have enormous commercial value and are an important means of enhancing a company's competitiveness.
2. Applying for patents for scientific research achievements is the foundation for enterprises to implement their patent strategy.
3. The quality and quantity of patents are a reflection of a company's innovation capability and core competitiveness, and a symbol of its identity and status in the industry.
4. Enterprises can obtain long-term returns by applying the patent system.
5. Having patents is a necessary prerequisite for enterprises to apply for various scientific and technological plans and projects such as high-tech enterprises and innovation funds.
What is the purpose of registering a patent
Applying for a patent, like applying for a trademark for a company, is not an easy task. Not every invention or design can be successfully approved and authorized, becoming a legally protected patent. Once an invention is successfully patented, its value far exceeds the imagination of entrepreneurs.
Generally speaking, we can summarize the benefits that patents can bring to businesses as follows:
1. Beneficial for protecting one's own products. Especially for technology-based enterprises, patents are particularly important, and one of the primary benefits of entrepreneurs applying for patents for their unique, novel, and highly practical technologies is the ability to obtain legal protection. For example, by applying for patents for the appearance and manufacturing technology of goods produced and sold by enterprises, it can greatly prevent others from stealing their own technology. Prevent patent infringement and establish market monopoly. 
2. Deterrence or suppression of competitors, and market layout. The meaning of a patent is the exclusive rights and interests of an individual, which cannot be easily used by any other business or individual without a license. And this is beneficial for enterprises to use patents for market layout. Occupy as much market share as possible in this field, establish a further monopoly position for the enterprise, and increase economic benefits. 
3. The intangible assets inherent in patents. Having a large number of patents also means to some extent that it is a symbol of a company's strong strength. As is well known, any patent requires an annual fee to be paid to maintain its patent fees after authorization. Enterprises with insufficient background will also find it difficult to bear the cost of hundreds or thousands of patents. In addition, entrepreneurs can also use these patents for investment, loans, transfer, licensing others to use, and other means to obtain certain economic income. When a high-value patent is transferred, the price can reach over a million yuan.

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