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How to apply for a trademark in China? Do Chinese trademark applications require documents? Chinese trademark fees? What is the registration cycle for Chinese trademarks?

Release Date:2024-07-15 18:09:59    come from:yimaiip.com

How to apply for a trademark in China? Do Chinese trademark applications require documents? Chinese trademark fees? What is the registration cycle for Chinese trademarks?

How to apply for a Chinese trademark
There are two ways for domestic applicants to handle various trademark registration matters:
One is to go directly to the Trademark Office for processing;
The second is to entrust a nationally recognized trademark agency to act as an agent.
In terms of communication methods, the former involves direct contact between the applicant and the Trademark Office during the processing; The latter involves the applicant contacting the Trademark Office through a trademark agency during the processing, rather than directly contacting the Trademark Office.
In terms of the submitted documents, the first approach requires applicants to submit a copy of the agent's ID card in addition to other required documents; In addition to other documents that should be submitted, the applicant should also submit a power of attorney authorizing a trademark agency to handle trademark registration matters. Domestic applicants who directly handle trademark registration matters should go to the Trademark Registration Hall of the Trademark Office to handle it.
Chinese trademark application requires documents
1. For those applying for registration under the company name, a copy of the business license must be provided, and the official seal must be affixed to the copy of the business license;
2. For those who apply for registration under their personal name, they need to provide one copy of their personal ID card and a copy of their individual business license, which must be stamped with the official seal;
3. Provide trademark text or graphics, and if color protection is required, colored graphics must also be provided;
4. Provide the goods/services to be registered, which can be filled in according to the applicant's own business or services, referring to the 10th edition of the International Classification of Goods and Services for Trademark Registration (Nice Classification) and the Classification of Similar Goods and Services modified by the Trademark Office based on the above international classification table;
5. Provide a Trademark Agency Authorization Letter stamped with official seal or signature, which can be found on this website; Please note that the address on the Trademark Agency Authorization Letter should be exactly the same as the registered address on the business license.
Chinese trademark fees
1. Registration fees are charged by category and number of trademarks, with fees for each category and trademark:
General trademark costs 300 yuan per item (valid for ten years, including ten years of fees, for domestic companies or individuals, including a national fee of 300 yuan)
Chinese trademark registration cycle
Applying for trademark registration generally takes at least 12 months to complete if there are no objections raised by others.
Article 22, Paragraph 1 of the Trademark Law stipulates that the applicant for trademark registration shall fill in the category and name of the goods using the trademark according to the prescribed commodity classification table, and submit a registration application.
Article 28 stipulates that for a trademark applied for registration, the Trademark Office shall complete the examination within nine months from the date of receipt of the trademark registration application documents. If it meets the relevant provisions of this Law, it shall be preliminarily approved and announced.
Article 35, Paragraph 2 stipulates that if the Trademark Office makes a decision to approve registration, it shall issue a trademark registration certificate and make a public announcement. If the objector is dissatisfied, they may request the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board to declare the registered trademark invalid in accordance with the provisions of Articles 44 and 45 of this Law.

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