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What is ISO Quality Management System? What are the benefits and uses of ISO management system certification?

Release Date:2024-07-17 10:09:24    come from:yimaiip.com

What is ISO Quality Management System? What are the benefits and uses of ISO management system certification?

When we browse company introductions on the internet or browse through company promotional brochures, we often encounter the following statement: Our company has passed ISO9001 quality management system certification.... In recent years, in addition to ISO9001, various letter plus number certifications have emerged, such as ISO14001, OHSAA18001, not to mention symbols like CMA and CNAS that confuse outsiders. We cannot help but ask, what exactly do these English and numerical symbols mean?
1、 Quality Management System
ISO9001 (Domestic Conversion Standard GB/T 19001) is an international standard developed by the Quality Management System Technical Committee (TC176) to establish quality management frameworks and concepts for global enterprises and organizations.
This standard was first released in 1994, and the quality management system it describes expands the coverage of quality control from narrow products to products and services; Develop the focus of quality management from the final product to the entire process of product and service provision; Transforming the quality management concept from inspection and qualification to continuously improving the ability to meet the needs of customers and the market.
After the 21st century, this standard gradually became the most mature, universal, and reliable foundation for quality management systems. More and more companies are adopting this standard to carry out quality management and improvement activities. Certification activities based on this standard have also become a fundamental measure for enterprises to expand their markets and adapt to the globalized economy.
ISO14001 (Domestic Conversion Standard GB/T 24001) is a standard developed by the Technical Committee on Environmental Management (TC207) and was first introduced in 1993. This standard is based on the management system of enterprises and organizations, and implements environmental protection through measures such as environmental factors, environmental performance, environmental policies, and environmental goals.
In the face of increasingly serious environmental problems in today's world, such as environmental pollution, ecosystem destruction, ozone depletion, climate change, and declining biodiversity, protecting the environment, preserving the earth's ecology, and maintaining human survival and sustainable development are gradually gaining more recognition and attention.
The certification activities carried out in accordance with environmental management system standards have also become a way to reflect the green operation and low consumption development of enterprises, and to meet the needs of international economy and trade.
The general benefits of ISO certification include:
1. It is beneficial for enterprises to participate in major project bidding, and even if it is not a necessary condition, it will be an important basis for priority selection.
2. Beneficial for improving the overall quality of the enterprise and enhancing work efficiency.
3. Beneficial for establishing corporate image, enhancing corporate visibility, and achieving promotional benefits.
4. Beneficial for enhancing customer trust, facilitating market expansion for enterprises, and developing new customers. The actual benefits still depend on the needs of the enterprise.

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