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GB/T27922 Product After sales Service Evaluation System Certification

Release Date:2023-01-06 9:49:33    come from:yimaiip.com

GB/T27922 Product After sales Service Evaluation System Certification

GB/T27922 Product After sales Service Evaluation System Certification/>
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Applicable to the evaluation of after-sales service level for production-oriented enterprises and sales service oriented enterprises within the territory of the People's Republic of China. The main purpose of establishing this system is to objectively reflect the current situation of after-sales service work in Chinese enterprises, accurately measure the actual level of after-sales service in enterprises, discover and overcome deficiencies in after-sales service work, and promote the improvement of after-sales service work in enterprises. The Evaluation System for After sales Service of Goods stipulates the evaluation methods, evaluation indicators, evaluation procedures, and evaluation criteria for after-sales service of goods; Specific regulations have been made for evaluation methods, evaluation management, reviewers, etc.

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